Registered & Fully Insured Specialists In Restumping, Reblocking And Floor Releveling. Located In Box Hill VIC.
Our Processs
Do you require minor repairs or extensive foundation work? A Tech are committed to delivering exceptional service and customer satisfaction.
Our team is dedicated to restoring the stability and strength of your home.
Our team is dedicated to restoring the stability and strength of your home.
Call us today. We will complete a site visit and site inspection.
Quote Required Works - In the case of restumping a building permit is required. We provide a permit application for the client to appoint the building Surveyor for issuing the building permit.
Client completes required docs and returns them to us for lodgement with building Surveyor.
Building permit approval can take a week - Council road access permit approval maybe required 7-10 days.
Works can commence once all approvals are granted.